Team Building Discovery Course


Format: Online

This FREE Leading From Your Strengths™ course is designed to help you and your team better understand your unique strengths and how to blend and build those strengths in a way that helps you be more productive, efficient, and creative than ever before.

This course can be used in any team setting. The lessons and content can be self-paced or assigned lesson by lesson to drive more of an interactive experience.

The course contains:

  • Eight online sessions
  • Seven self-exams to help ensure you are retaining the principles
  • Four 45-minute team interactions to go deeper


  1. Introduction
  2. The Mystery of Differences
  3. The Law of Differences
  4. Problem Solving
  5. Processing Information
  6. Managing Change
  7. Facing Risk
  8. Blending Differences
  9. Next Steps

Product Delivery

  • Instant access
  • Self paced

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Seats: 1
Total: $0.00 Discounted price
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