This one page pre-hire evaluation tool will help you screen applicants for a strengths and chemistry fit for a new position. While skills and experience are relatively simple to match up, the right environment and communication styles are harder to judge ahead of time, and QuickScreen is the tool for just that. We recommend first creating an ideal QuickScreen for a position without any person in mind, after which the QuickScreen reports of applicants can be compared to the ideal. This way, you’ll know in advance what to look out for in your new hire.

    • Compare applicants to an ideal
    • Consider intangible factors that contribute to team members working together in harmony
    • Gives you insights from which to ask questions in a final interview

What does it include?
The QuickScreen one-page includes general characteristics, communication tips, and ideal work environment descriptions for each individual. The report addresses critical areas such as receptivity to change and whether team members are working in a role that is well-suited to their natural strengths. A PDF guide is included to help address differences between an ideal QuickScreen and an actual candidate.

Download a sample QuickScreen report

QuickScreen Assessment


This one page pre-hire evaluation tool will help you screen applicants for a strengths and chemistry fit for a new position. While skills and experience are relatively simple to match up, the right environment and communication styles are harder to judge ahead of time, and QuickScreen is the tool for just that. We recommend first creating an ideal QuickScreen for a position without any person in mind, after which the QuickScreen reports of applicants can be compared to the ideal. This way, you’ll know in advance what to look out for in your new hire.

    • Compare applicants to an ideal
    • Consider intangible factors that contribute to team members working together in harmony
    • Gives you insights from which to ask questions in a final interview

What does it include?
The QuickScreen one-page includes general characteristics, communication tips, and ideal work environment descriptions for each individual. The report addresses critical areas such as receptivity to change and whether team members are working in a role that is well-suited to their natural strengths. A PDF guide is included to help address differences between an ideal QuickScreen and an actual candidate.

Product Delivery

  • Instant Access
  • 10-minute online assessment
  • Results emailed to you instantly

Returning Customer? Log In Now

Logging in prior to adding to the cart will activate discounts based on your purchase history. It will also allow you to add seats to an existing group or create a new group.

Are you purchasing for a group or yourself?

IMPORTANT - Check "Enroll Me" if you will be completing the assessment yourself. Selecting this option will take one purchased usage and the remaining usages (if purchasing more than one) will be banked so you can assign them to respondents as needed.

Group Name:
Seats: 1
Total: $18.20 Discounted price
Assignments in this Group