Sample Facilitator Outline
Introductory Session
1) Welcome & Introductions
a. Introduce Yourself (Facilitator) – OPEN IN PRAYER
• Tell about your family, your work/ministry
• Share how the 210 Project has personally affected your own journey
• Explain your role as a facilitator and friend in their own discovery
b. Participants introduce themselves
• Tell
• Share how you found out about the 210 Project
• Share what you hope to gain.
c. Share your excitement for the class and your desire for them to find their place in God’s story
d. Share primary objectives of 1st session:
• To help you understand that you were designed for a specific purpose and role in God’s Story, in this generation
• To gain an overview of the 210 Project process.
2) Understand that you were designed to fulfill a role in God’s plan, in this generation
a. Show video “Every Kid has a Dream”
b. Questions after the video:
• What emotions did you experience as you watched the video?
• Why do you think people let go of their dreams?
• When you look around you, do you see God’s people advancing His kingdom?
i. Give examples of suffering: natural disasters, financial woes, untruthful leaders, countries going bankrupt, rogue nuclear nations, persecution
• What areas of pain do you see in your own community?
ii. Give examples of addictions, broken marriages, moral and ethical crisis in business and culture
Sample Participant Outline
Comments on video: “Every Kid has a Dream”
God unequivocally has a plan for this generation just as He does for all of time and we are part of that plan
- God is in control of the Universe, space and time (Revelation 1:8; Revelation 22:13; Isaiah 46:10; Colossians 1:16-17)
- God is in control of the nations (Isaiah 14:26-27; II Chronicles 20:6; Psalm 33:9-11)
- God is control of man and circumstances (Acts 17:26-27; Proverbs 16:33; Proverbs 16:9, 20:24)
- God has a plan for his people despite circumstances and failures (2 Timothy 1:8-9; Ephesians 3:14-21; Romans 8:28-31)
- God has a plan for YOU! (Ephesians 2:10)
Notes from Overview of the 210 Project process
What is asked of me?
- Expectations – Come to the group meeting prepared, having completed all homework assignments. Participate in the group discussion. The group needs to hear how God is speaking to you. Your contribution and insight may encourage others to share.
- Commitment Level – The commitment level is high, but the reward is out of this world. Pray about your commitment to this group and process. You will only benefit to the level of your heartfelt commitment and participation.
Key Definitions
For we are His Workmanship = Poiema (our English word Poem)– This word speaks to what is made out of something already created or existing. When we make a basic cake, for example, we use existing ingredients, like flour and sugar. They are the foundation of any cake. When God says, we are His “workmanship,” God is saying He has already made something good, which is all of mankind – but He already sees what His basic ingredient (mankind) will become. We will each become a masterpiece.
Created in Christ Jesus – Created = Kitizo – means to bring something new into existence and is only associated with God doing it, (who but God could bring something into existence that hasn’t been before?) The word “created” gives us the idea that though we humans are made from similar ingredients (Like our word workmanship) we are each very uniquely designed. There is no one like us! It’s like adding fillings, and flavorings, and frosting to that basic cake, to make something brand new.
Conclusion – God’s “workmanship,” is you and me –ordinary human beings –being transformed by Christ in us, into a uniquely designed creature – a masterpiece, for God’s purposes and glory.
Good = Agothos – This word denotes pure, noble, virtuous, excellent, and distinguished
Works = Eregon – A display of activity reflecting the heart and mind of the one active. Christ did good works as directed by the Father, and empowered by the Holy Spirit, to bring honor and glory to the Father.
Conclusion – we are created for good, exceptional works that will reflect Christ in us as we serve and love others, and draw a watching world to a saving knowledge of Him.
Prepared Beforehand = Proietemazio – subjected to a special process or treatment – used specifically, only of God. When breaking down this verb to it’s tense, voice and mood, it denotes God having done this in the past, and with authority. His plan for us was foreordained.
Appointed – to set a person in place on your behalf, and for your purposes. There is relationship involved. We can see this application when Jesus appointed the 12 apostles.
Conclusion – Only God could make us, prepare us specifically for a task, and then appoint us. He chose us to be a part of His good works! DO WE GRASP THE MAGNITUDE OF THAT AWESOME PRIVILEDGE?
Walk in = Peripateo – This verse comes from God so, it is probable and intentional that we should walk in, or “do” the good works God has prepared for us. But, it is possible that the action spoken of (“that we should walk in good works), may not occur. We may choose not to discover the works God has prepared for us, or we may choose not to do the works once we’ve discovered them.
Conclusion – We are to discover the good works God has prepared for us and to do them. God is telling us He has prepared them for us, with the purpose of us doing them. No, He does not command us to do them, but why would we want to miss out on the incredible opportunity to get in on God’s good works? His plans will be accomplished with or without us, but by His grace, He allows us to have a part in His great story.