210 Project Facilitator’s Guide


Format: Portable Document Format (PDF)

There are few things as frustrating as wanting to jump in and serve, but not feeling equipped to do so. This guide should help alleviate some of those concerns.

Our goal with the Facilitator’s Guide is to provide Christ followers with diverse gifts and talents the basic materials needed for a dynamic group session. A general outline with suggested questions and discussion starters is included – perfect for facilitating a group that has completed the homework assignments as encouraged. In addition, we have included several appendices, corresponding with specific session outlines, which include additional information for those facilitators wanting to go deeper.

This tool and process only serve as a platform for God’s purpose of getting people engaged with Him, and with one another, to build a loving Christ-like community. Your genuine care and prayers for each member of your group are vital for building trust and unity, a long-term relationship, and for fellowship that transforms the community. As His people engage their world, we believe lives and communities will be transformed!

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Sample Facilitator Outline

Introductory Session

1) Welcome & Introductions

a. Introduce Yourself (Facilitator) – OPEN IN PRAYER

• Tell about your family, your work/ministry

• Share how the 210 Project has personally affected your own journey

• Explain your role as a facilitator and friend in their own discovery

b. Participants introduce themselves

• Tell

• Share how you found out about the 210 Project

• Share what you hope to gain.

c. Share your excitement for the class and your desire for them to find their place in God’s story

d. Share primary objectives of 1st session:

• To help you understand that you were designed for a specific purpose and role in God’s Story, in this generation

• To gain an overview of the 210 Project process.

2) Understand that you were designed to fulfill a role in God’s plan, in this generation

a. Show video “Every Kid has a Dream”

b. Questions after the video:

• What emotions did you experience as you watched the video?

• Why do you think people let go of their dreams?

• When you look around you, do you see God’s people advancing His kingdom?

i. Give examples of suffering: natural disasters, financial woes, untruthful leaders, countries going bankrupt, rogue nuclear nations, persecution

• What areas of pain do you see in your own community?

ii. Give examples of addictions, broken marriages, moral and ethical crisis in business and culture