Articles & Resources

Onboarding Your Staff Builds Trust

March 6, 2023
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Trust is the foundation of any successful team. It enables people to collaborate, innovate and achieve greater results than each alone. When trust is built into your ministry’s workplace culture, it can increase employee engagement and retention, as well as enhance your reputation. During our podcast interview with former Navy SEAL, Matt Cumbee, we asked him…

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3 Qualities of a High Performance Culture

February 20, 2023
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During our recent podcast interview with Mark Miller, VP of High Performance Leadership at Chick-fil-A, we asked him to describe the components of a high performance culture. He responded with a list of three qualities that must exist — Mark’s response is transcribed below. Quality 1 – Alignment Mark says, “You need to have the…

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Price Increase Coming March 1, 2023

February 15, 2023
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Editor’s Note: The following letter was emailed to Ministry Insights’ customer on February 8, 2023. Dear Friend, When I founded Ministry Insights in 2001, I wanted to offer tools and resources that were transformational and that ministries could afford. We have faithfully executed that mission and have impacted over one million people with our products. For those…

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How Leaders Can Cultivate the Soil of a Positive Culture

January 23, 2023
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In our recent podcast interview with Chick-fil-A’s longtime Chief Marketing Officer, Steve Robinson, Rodney Cox asked him how leaders can cultivate a positive culture. A workplace’s culture is a collection of attitudes and beliefs about how things are done, internally and externally. Steve had written in his book that “culture is the soil from which…

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Can You Remember Your Calling?

January 9, 2023
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By Rodney Cox In the closing moments of our podcast interview with Shaun Dean from Standing Stone Ministry, I asked him if he had any last advice he would give to our listeners. Shaun’s response focused on pastors in crisis and is transcribed below. “I would say this. When is the last time you thought…

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Our Favorite Podcast Guest Quotes

December 12, 2022
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One of the things we enjoyed most in 2022 was exploring topics with our Podcast guests. Each guest brought a perspective and wisdom that impacted us greatly. As we conclude the first season of the podcast, we wanted to reflect on a few memorable podcast moments. Below are five of our favorite quotes we…

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How to Find Our Podcast

November 28, 2022
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The Podcast is off to an incredible start, delivering interviews with leadership thought leaders like Dan Rockwell and Amy Anderson. These interviews are packed with practical tips on succeeding in the ministry. That said, we intentionally limit our episode length to 45 minutes, so you can fit every episode into your busy schedule. The…

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Habits of a Strong Team

November 14, 2022
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Your ministry probably has organizational values. Shared values set the tone for what the company cares about most. In ministry or business, values typically represent the principles you stand for, like integrity, Christ-likeness, service, and respect for others. Values act as a filter to help leaders and their team members make decisions and plan for…

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Generous Leaders Are In

October 31, 2022
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It has been said that you cannot out-give God. While this is true–God has entrusted you with much as a leader and he expects you to give yourself away to others. At the heart of this truth is generosity. At its core, generosity is other-focused. Leading with a generous heart communicates that you value your…

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