210 Project Book


Authors: Marc Fey, Don Andenbrandt, Frank Johnson
Forward by Dr. Del Tackett

Format: Paperback & Online

Why am I here? What does God really want me to do with my life?

The 210 Project answers these questions through a practical and engaging process that helps you discover your unique spiritual DNA. Together with a small group, you can uncover a new sense of purpose for yourself and your group.

  • Highly personalized content and interactive online tools
  • Connect with other believers
  • Move forward in life with clarity and purpose


The 210 Project curriculum includes a book that you can download or have shipped. It also includes eight online interaction tools to be used as you read through the book. These tools will walk you through exercises to discover your place in God’s story and how to move forward in life, confident in what He’s called you to be and do. When you’ve finished with the process, you receive a personalized Ministry Action Plan and gain access to a robust community of believers.

Recommended for You

Our Facilitator’s Guide provides Christ followers with the basic materials needed for a dynamic group session. A general outline with suggested questions and discussion starters is included – perfect for facilitating a group that has completed the homework assignments as encouraged. In addition, we have included several appendices, corresponding with specific session outlines, which include additional information for those facilitators wanting to go deeper.

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How it Works

  • Purchase the Project
  • Instantly Receive Email with Access Code(s)
  • Register Your Access Code at www.210project.com
  • 210 Project Book is downloaded or Shipped
  • Read the 210 Project Book
  • Complete the Online Interaction When Prompted
  • Discover Your Place in God’s Story
  • Engage the Culture

Table of Contents

Foreword (Dr. Del Tackett).
Section 1: Identity
1. Quick Start: What You Need to Know About This Book
2. Story: Calling Intersects with Community and Culture
3. Identity: Who You Are, Not What You Do
4. Interpret Your Life: Engaging the Process
Section 2: Good Works
5. Good Works: In Your Vocation
6. Good Works: In Your Ministry
7. Good Works: To Your Neighbor
8. Good Works: To Your Family
Section 3: Life Mission
9. Friendship: Find the People Who Are Looking For You
10. Opposition: Warfare and the Challenge of Weakness
11. Secret of Disciplines: Your Day of Solitude
12. Calling and Legacy

Online Interactions

Section 1: Discovering Your Unique Spiritual DNA
1. Foundational Questions
2. Exploring Natural God-given Strengths
3. Discovering Your Spiritual Gifts
4. Life Passion Exercise
Section 2: Documenting God’s Path for Your Life
1. Personal and Family Timeline
2. Vocation and Work Timeline
3. Ministry Timeline
Section 3: Listening to the Small Still Voice of God
1. Day of Solitude – S.O.L.O. Workbook
2. My 210 M.A.P. – My Ministry Action Plan